Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chainfire 3d any galaxy or android phone

A very important app (tested on fit)

if you are not getting good graphics with HD games this app can solve your problem

Chainfire3D is an intermediary OpenGL driver. What does that mean? It means that Chainfire3D sits between your apps and the graphics drivers, and can intercept and/or change commands between the two. It has some built-in functions, and can be further extended with plugins to provide extra functionality.

- CF3D OpenGL driver

- NightMode
--- Handy shortcut to toggle on/off
--- Supports red, green, blue, amber, salmon and custom (pro only) modes

- Global OpenGL manipulation
--- Reduce texture size
--- Reduce texture quality
--- Unroll textures
--- Load plugins
--- Replace shaders
--- (Pro) Disable Chainfire3D detection
--- (Pro) Dump all shaders
--- (Pro) Force depth buffer size (EGL)
--- (Pro) Force MSAA (MultiSample Anti-Aliasing) (EGL)

- (Pro) OpenGL manipulation on a per-app bases
- (Pro) Fix market settings
- (Pro) Manage installed plugins and shaders
- (Pro) Backup and restore settings, plugins and shaders

download plugin extract to sd card (root phone required)

open chainfire and select "install driver" 
and select install "CF3D DRIVER" 
your phone will reboot after that and now u can use chainfire!!..
U can also install plugins to run TEGRA and POWERVR games on your fit!..
Remeber dont select "EGL Driver" while installing driver!

download apk (free direct) : http://www.mediafire.com/?onr9tn77a2n5o1u

plugin download link : http://www.multiupload.com/18ECNP4UH1

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